Senator Dush E-Newsletter

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In this Update:

  • Court Ruling Helps to Safeguard Elections
  • Get Your State and Federal Government Questions Answered on Thursday, April 11
  • Survey: How Did PennDOT Do This Winter?
  • Destroy Spotted Lanternfly Eggs, Support PA Agriculture
  • PA Broadband Development Authority Unveils Improved Website
  • Mobile Van Connects Veterans with Important Services, Programs
  • Honoring Sacrifice on Gold Star Spouses Day

Court Ruling Helps to Safeguard Elections

Honest, transparent and secure elections remain the cornerstone of our constitutional republic.

The security of elections in Pennsylvania was boosted by the Third Circuit Court’s recent ruling upholding current Pennsylvania law, requiring voters to date a mail-in ballot for it to be accepted.

Many voters, election officials and good government advocates feel preserving election integrity must be a priority. The first step toward that goal is upholding laws that are already in place.

While this may seem obvious, in recent elections some counties, at their own discretion, accepted and counted undated ballots – despite the state law prohibiting that action. Applying the election law’s signature and date requirements uniformly across all 67 counties is a significant step forward.

Continuing the push to fully restore election integrity, as chairman of the Pennsylvania Senate State Government Committee, I recently convened a public hearing to examine the cybersecurity of electronic voting machines and suggested principles for state statutes regarding ballot marking and vote tabulation.

Watch the full hearing by clicking here.

Bringing in real experts to testify under oath has resulted in some significant breakthroughs, most notably revealing increasing bipartisan support for requiring hand-marked paper ballots and several other increased voting machine testing standards.

Our state Constitution requires elections to be free and equal, and Pennsylvania voters deserve rules that guarantee maximum election integrity. This means EVERY voter should be verified, EVERY ballot should be secured, and EVERY voting machine should be inspected and verified.

Get Your State and Federal Government Questions Answered on Thursday, April 11

Congressman Glenn “GT” Thompson and I are pleased to announce our upcoming Cameron County area satellite office hours.

On Thursday, April 11, team members from both offices will be available from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Cameron County Chamber of Commerce & Artisan Center, 34 East Fourth Street, Emporium, PA 15834.

This is your opportunity to get important state and federal government questions answered at one location.

No appointments are necessary. For further information, contact my Smethport district office at 814-734-2785.

Survey: How Did PennDOT Do This Winter?

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) is offering a short survey so motorists can offer their feedback on the winter services PennDOT provided.

By filling out the short survey, you will have the opportunity to share your thoughts about where you get information about road conditions, how soon you can expect roads to be safe to travel following a winter storm event and what features you would find useful from

There is also an opportunity to share additional comments. The survey can be completed anonymously.

Destroy Spotted Lanternfly Eggs, Support PA Agriculture

Spotted lanternflies are an invasive pest that could damage the state’s grape and wine industries, as well as other types of agriculture.

This time of year, Pennsylvanians can take an important step to control the spotted lanternfly population. While most adult spotted lanternflies have frozen to death, their eggs can survive over the winter. A single egg mass holds 30 to 50 eggs.

The egg masses – which can commonly be found on trees, rocks and equipment stored outdoors – should be scraped into a bag of hand sanitizer. Learn what the egg masses look like during various stages and find more information about how to destroy them here.

PA Broadband Development Authority Unveils New Website

The Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority (PBDA) launched a new website aimed at offering visitors a more intuitive experience.

New features include a navigation panel for locating information; quick links to hot topic resources; real-time data on unserved/underserved locations, projects awarded and funding allocated; and resources that are specifically tailored for various audiences.

Created by the General Assembly, the mission of the PBDA is to expand access to high-speed internet. The authority is accepting applications until April 20 from community anchor institutions and units of local government to fund community projects that enable public work, education and health monitoring.

Mobile Van Connects Veterans with Important Services, Programs

Pennsylvania is home to more than 700,000 veterans and their family members. With such a significant veteran population, the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA) works hard to connect veterans and their families with the services and programs available to them.

One way the agency meets and assists veterans in the communities they live is through one of its two mobile veterans outreach vans. They travel throughout the state to assist veterans in obtaining information and initiating benefit claim paperwork with the assistance of DMVA accredited veteran service officers.

Request a van for a community event such as a sporting event, county fair, parade or festival. The form should be submitted six months but not less than 45 days prior to the event. Requests with less than a 30-day turnaround will be handled on a space available basis only.

Honoring Sacrifice on Gold Star Spouses Day

Friday, April 5, is Gold Star Spouses Day – a day when we pause to reflect on the incredible loss felt by men and women who have lost their partners in the line of duty.

It was first recognized in 2010 as Gold Star Wives Day. Later, it was updated to include any surviving spouse of any person of the United States military who died while a member of the armed forces of our country or who died after such service as a result of an injury or disability incurred during such service.


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