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In this Update:
PBS Firing Line: Sen. Dush Fully Engages on Elevating Election IntegrityIn this featured documentary video clip from the PBS Counting the Vote: A Firing Line Special with Margaret Hoover, I once again set the record straight on the state of election integrity in Pennsylvania. To summarize what was and was not covered in this condensed interview segment:
Catch Up with PA Elk Herd at SenatorDush.comThe wait is over! Pennsylvania’s ELK CAM is now STREAMING LIVE from Benzette, Elk County, bringing you accessible, real-time glimpses into the PA Wilds. Wildlife enthusiasts can conveniently check in on the PA elk herd from the comfort of your own home or business by clicking on the ELK CAM icon on my home page at SenatorDush.com. The Pennsylvania Game Commission, in partnership with HDOnTap and the North Central Pennsylvania Regional Planning and Development Commission, has installed a camera on Elk County game lands that are typically a hub of elk activity as the bugling season heats up. Log on to the ELK CAM to possibly spot a harem of elk, sparring bulls, grazing white-tailed deer, wild turkeys, or coyotes passing through—you never know what you’ll see! Please be aware that you may hear gunfire from nearby target shooting or lawful hunting—and keep in mind that, at times, nature can be difficult to watch. The camera is on 24/7, so tune in day or night. The best times to view elk are dawn and dusk. If you’d like to experience the bugling season in person, the PA Game Commission reminds visitors to always be “Elk Smart.” Give elk space, never feed elk and do your part to ensure the welfare of the herd. Learn more here. The ELK CAM is slated to run until the end of bugling season, likely sometime in mid-October. Do You Have Unclaimed Property?With the Pennsylvania Treasury holding more than $4.5 billion in unclaimed property, my team and I are once again partnering with Pennsylvania Treasurer Stacy Garrity and her office to help Senate District 25 residents to determine if they have unclaimed property and, if so, help them claim it. On Wednesday Sept. 25, from noon until 4 p.m., a Pennsylvania Treasury Department representative will be conducting a free Unclaimed Property Clinic at the Smethport Fire Department 109 S Nelson Street, Smethport, PA 16749. Unclaimed property can include dormant bank accounts, abandoned stocks, uncashed checks, saving bonds and other tangible assets such as collectible coins, sports cards, jewelry, military medals and antiques. More than one in ten Pennsylvanians is owed unclaimed property, and the average claim is worth about $1,600. During fiscal year 2022-23, the Treasury Department returned the most unclaimed property ever in a single year – almost $274 million. Some of the most notable returns included more than $121,000 to an individual resident and more than $9,000 to a local municipality. Again, the fundamental reason my team is hosting our next Unclaimed Property Clinic is to reconnect the citizens we serve with any money or other assets that rightfully belong to them. Best of all, you do not need to hire or pay anyone to make your claim. We always stand ready to assist you in navigating through the entire unclaimed property process as this is already a free legislative service offered during regular district office hours. Individuals who wish to search the unclaimed property database on their own may do so at www.patreasury.gov. For more information or to RSVP for the Unclaimed Property Clinic on Sept. 25, please contact my Smethport district office at 814-734-2785. A Closer Look at Increasing Job Growth in PAPennsylvania’s notoriously long waits for permit reviews in the past have unfortunately led to employers and entrepreneurs taking their jobs to other states. As part of the current state budget, Senate Republicans worked to keep and attract more jobs by including an initiative to speed up permit reviews, make the process more transparent and eliminate this barrier to Pennsylvania job creation. We need to stop delays that impede job growth. We also need to be on a level playing field, working to surpass other states to promote job growth, but we haven’t been when it comes to the startup penalty new businesses face in the commonwealth. All but one other state allow new businesses to get on their feet by limiting the tax liability they face. Pennsylvania is finally beginning to phase out this penalty with language in the state budget. The new Max Manufacturing Initiative Act will support job growth by providing grants and loans to state universities to partner with engineering entities. Along with creating family-sustaining jobs, it will enhance research capabilities, promote business alliances and produce high-value products. In addition, we’ve made the state more business friendly by reducing the Corporate Net Income Tax (CNIT) rate. Incremental reductions to halve the rate began in 2023 and will end with the state boasting one of the lowest CNIT rates in the country. Keeping Pennsylvania on a path to prosperity by promoting initiatives and policies to foster greater job growth remains a key area of focus as we continue our legislative work this fall. Recognizing Bravery and Sacrifice on Patriot DayOn Wednesday, we recognize the innocent lives lost 23 years ago when our country was brutally attacked in New York, Virginia and right here in Pennsylvania. With heavy hearts, we remember the bravery and sacrifices of emergency responders. Let us also remember the surge of patriotism. It was a unifier unlike anything else most of us had experienced. People focused less on what could divide us and more on what we had in common. Perhaps the best way to honor those who lost their lives is to resurrect that spirit.
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