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In this Update:
RGGI Electricity Tax Rejected on Constitution DayOn Sept. 17, 1787 in Philadelphia, our Founding Fathers signed the most impactful document in American history, the U.S. Constitution. This week, on Constitution Day, I once again voted on behalf of “We The People” to repeal the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) electricity tax that was unconstitutionally enacted through executive order by the Wolf administration in 2019. Approved by the Pennsylvania Senate (27-22), Senate Bill 1058 would repeal the CO2 Budget Trading Program regulation that was rubberstamped by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and Environmental Quality Board (EQB). RGGI, a multi-state compact, is an unnecessary carbon tax that would increase Pennsylvanians’ electric bills by 30%, eliminate 22,000 homegrown energy and manufacturing jobs, and short circuit the integrity of Pennsylvania’s baseload electric grid. In fact, no new investments in baseload electricity generation have come to Pennsylvania in the five years since the Wolf administration’s rogue attempt to enter the Keystone State into RGGI. Fulfilling its constitutional role as “referee,” last year, Pennsylvania’s Commonwealth Court ruled that Pennsylvania’s entrance into RGGI could only be achieved through legislation duly authorized by the General Assembly, not merely through the unlawful, carbon tax-imposing rulemaking by the DEP and EQB. Primarily due to Gov. Josh Shapiro’s pending executive branch power grab to appeal this decision to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, Pennsylvania families and seniors living on fixed incomes are still footing massive energy bills thanks to this unconstitutional, unilateral executive order. Clearly, it is time to repeal the RGGI electricity tax and focus on putting forth commonsense, environmentally responsible policy that recognizes and champions our energy independence, rather than restricting economic freedom and job creation. Are You Missing Unclaimed Property?With the Pennsylvania Treasury holding more than $4.5 billion in unclaimed property, my team and I are once again partnering with Pennsylvania Treasurer Stacy Garrity and her office to assist Senate District 25 residents with recovering their unclaimed property. On Wednesday Sept. 25, from noon until 4 p.m., a Pennsylvania Treasury Department representative will be conducting a free Unclaimed Property Clinic at the Smethport Fire Department 109 S Nelson Street, Smethport, PA 16749. Unclaimed property can include inactive bank accounts, abandoned stocks, uncashed checks, missing saving bonds and other tangible assets such as collectible coins, sports cards, jewelry, military medals and antiques. If you are looking for even more financial incentive to attend, consider the tremendous success of our most recent Unclaimed Property Clinic, held this past February in Brookville, Jefferson County. All totaled, this free event resulted in the return to the personal bank accounts of hard-working families and our regional economy of approximately $288,717 that was needlessly taking up space in the Treasury vault. This included more than $121,000 to an individual resident and more than $9,000 to a local municipality. Plain and simple, this upcoming Unclaimed Property Clinic presents the opportunity to conveniently reclaim money and other personal belongings that are rightfully yours—absolutely free of charge. More than one in ten Pennsylvanians is owed unclaimed property, and the average claim is worth about $1,600. During fiscal year 2022-23, the Treasury Department returned the most unclaimed property ever in a single year – almost $274 million. Individuals who wish to search the unclaimed property database on their own may do so at www.patreasury.gov. Best of all, you do not need to hire or pay anyone to make your claim. We always stand ready to assist you in navigating thru the entire unclaimed property process as this is already a free legislative service offered during regular district office hours. For more information or to RSVP for the Unclaimed Property Clinic on Sept. 25, please contact my Smethport district office at 814-734-2785. Walk-ins are also welcome. Bill to Establish Safe Exchange Zones Passes SenateThe Senate passed the Denise Williams Act, which would create a grant program to be used to establish Safe Exchange Zones throughout Pennsylvania. The bill advances to the House of Representatives for consideration. Senate Bill 173 is named in memory of Denise Williams of Cambria County, who went to purchase an item found on Facebook Marketplace and was brutally murdered during the exchange. This legislation would help establish safe areas for individuals to exchange goods purchased through an online marketplace, carry out child custody exchanges and conduct similar interactions. These zones will be equipped with video surveillance and be located either within 100 feet of a law enforcement office or near a public area with an active public presence. The establishment of Safe Exchange Zones will be voluntary and contingent upon approval of the participating law enforcement agencies. PA Senate Urges Congress to Pass the TREAT PTSD ActThe state Senate adopted a measure urging Congress to provide lifesaving therapy to Americans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Senate Resolution 311 calls on Congress to pass the Treatment and Relief through Emerging and Accessible Therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Act, also known as the TREAT PTSD Act. The TREAT PTSD Act would require the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and U.S. Department of Defense to provide veterans suffering from PTSD with access to a lifesaving therapy known as stellate ganglion block (SGB). SGB works by applying an injection into the bundle of nerves that send signals of fight or flight to the body. The treatment relieves feelings of stress quickly for those with PTSD and provides them with a renewed chance to heal. This procedure has been used for nearly 100 years for pain conditions, including shingles and phantom limb pain. The federal legislation, House Resolution 3023, is now before the U.S. House Subcommittee on Health. September is College Savings MonthSaving for your child’s higher education can be daunting, but starting early – even if you are only able to set aside a little – can make a big difference. You can prepare for your child’s future and enjoy tax advantages using the PA 529 College and Career Savings Program. The two plans, the PA 529 Guaranteed Savings Plan and the PA 529 Investment Plan, do not impact Pennsylvania state financial aid eligibility. Both plans can be used to pay for education costs like tuition and fees, books, supplies, and room and board at technical schools, community colleges, four-year institutions and apprenticeship programs.
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