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In this Update:

  • Virtual Town Hall Meeting on Oct. 6
  • March for Life Event Held at PA Capitol
  • New Hayride Standards Subject of Oct. 5 Webinar
  • PA Route 6 is Business Bike Friendly
  • Combatting Human Trafficking
  • Violence Intervention & Prevention Grants Available
  • Comments Accepted on PA Freight Movement Plan
  • Bird Hunters Reminded to Take Avian Influenza Precautions
  • Tours of State Game Lands Slated for October
  • Enjoying PA’s World Class Fall Foliage  

Virtual Town Hall Meeting on Oct. 6

I will host a virtual town hall event for residents of the 25th Senatorial District on Thursday, Oct. 6, beginning at 5:30 p.m.

I’d like to take this opportunity to discuss topics that are important to the 25th District. Also, because of the legislative reapportionment following the 2020 Census, I’d like to say goodbye and thank you for the support from those I represented in Tioga, Clearfield and Southern Jefferson County. Lastly, I want to say hello and welcome to constituents in portions of Centre County who were added to the 25th District.

Join me via Facebook Live at

A live audio stream will also be available at

March for Life Event Held at PA Capitol

The first State March for Life event was held at the Pennsylvania Capitol on last week and it was an exciting event. 

What I found compelling was the testimony of people who were children of rape and those who were publicly expressing the regret they have been living with after having ended the lives of their unborn children. An experienced OB/GYN who had been dealing with the emotional as well as the physical effects of abortion procedures on her patients was very moving. We are all made in the Image of God. From the moment the two halves of the DNA become one we are human. 

All humans have human rights; including the first right, the right to life.

New Hayride Standards Subject of Oct. 5 Webinar

A webinar will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 5 at noon via Zoom regarding new national amusement ride standards that now include hayrides.

The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (PDA) has the ability to regulate hayride attractions under our state’s Amusement Ride Inspection Act, and has had that authority since 1986. However, until recently, there have been no national standards for the inspection of hayride attractions. After ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials), an international standards organization, developed those technical standards, the PDA began informing operators of those standards and the related requirements under the Amusement Ride Inspection Act.

The PDA has said it won’t start enforcement until 2023, which they said will give operators time to adjust to these standards.

Recognizing that the standards are burdensome and there are nuances and variations that exist with hayrides on farm and agritourism operations, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding, Deputy Secretary for Plant Industry and Consumer Protection Fred Strathmeyer, Jr. and Bureau of Ride and Measurement Standards Director Walt Remmert will participate in the webinar to receive input from businesses and individuals whose operations these regulations might affect.

This is a chance for those who will be impacted by these standards to ask and address their concerns with the people who will have the final say on what is and is not required for hayrides beginning in 2023.

To register for the Hayride Attractions & Amusement Rides Webinar, please email Kyle Kotzmoyer of the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau, at You can also contact my office and we can forward your desire to register to Mr. Kotzmoyer.

PA Route 6 is Business Bike Friendly

The PA Route 6 Alliance offers a Bike-Friendly Business Program to help businesses attract more bicycling visitors to the Route 6 corridor and the entire region.

The Bike-Friendly Business Program is open to all businesses along the 11-county PA Route 6 Heritage Corridor who are current members of their county’s conference/convention and visitors bureau (CVB) – there is no cost to business owners. Businesses should be in one of the following categories: lodging, food or drink, bike shops and retail or attraction.

PA Route 6 offers travelers, including a growing number of bicyclists, over 400 miles of history, scenery, small towns and outdoor excursions. The roadway is designated as both a state and U.S. Bike Route and, combined with gravel loops that allow cyclists to explore the entire corridor, is developing into a unique cycling destination. That means increased customers and spending at local shops, restaurants and overnight accommodations.

To learn more about the program and the tools it can provide to you and your business to better support bicycling enthusiasts, see the PA Route 6 Alliance website.

Combating Human Trafficking

Violence Intervention & Prevention Grants Available

Local municipalities, district attorneys, counties, community-based organizations and institutions of higher education can apply now for Violence Intervention and Prevention funding under two grant programs. 

Under the VIP Competitive Grants Program, eligible applicants can request funding for a wide range of programs that address community violence and prevention efforts. The deadline to apply is Oct. 12.

The Coordinated Community Violence Intervention Strategies Pilot Grants Program supports collaborative community violence prevention and response strategies within contiguous geographic areas. The deadline to apply is Oct. 31.

Detailed information about these funding opportunities can be found on the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency’s website and on the Open Funding Opportunities webpage.

PCCD will host informational webinars for prospective applicants to provide an overview of these funding opportunities and offer a chance to ask questions and receive instructions on the application process. Registration for the webinars can be found under “FY 2022-23 VIP Application Resources” here.

Comments Accepted on PA Freight Movement Plan

The public comment period for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s 2045 Freight Movement Plan ends Oct. 5.

The plan provides information on steps to improve the safety and efficiency of moving freight statewide. Having an approved and up-to-date freight plan helps ensure Pennsylvania remains eligible for federal funding under the National Highway Freight Program. This federal program will add an average of $58.5 million annually to the state’s program.

An electronic comment form is available. Questions or comments on the freight plan can be sent to

Bird Hunters Reminded to Take Avian Influenza Precautions


As the outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) continues, the Pennsylvania Game Commission urges the public to continue reporting wild bird mortality events, and hunters who handle wild birds are advised to continue to take precautions.

Several hunting seasons for wild birds are either underway or will begin soon. If hunters properly handle the wild birds they harvest, they protect themselves and help reduce the risk that this extremely contagious disease spreads to other birds. Bird hunters should:

  • Harvest only healthy-looking wild birds.
  • Wear gloves when handling any wild birds.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer immediately after handling wild birds.
  • Dress harvested wild birds in the field.
  • Change clothing as needed, especially if visibly soiled or if any wild birds contacted clothing.
  • Change clothing, including footwear, before coming in contact with any pet birds or domestic poultry.
  • Wash all equipment, tools and work surfaces with soap and water, then disinfect with a 10% household bleach solution. Allow to air dry or rinse after 10 minutes of contact time.

Any sick or dead domestic birds should be reported to the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture at 717-772-2852. Sick or dead wild birds should be reported to the Game Commission at 1-833-PGC-WILD or online using the Wildlife Health Survey tool at

Tours of State Game Lands Slated for October

The Pennsylvania Game Commission is holding public tours of state game lands in October.

Nine tours are scheduled throughout the state, the first of which will be held Sunday, Oct. 2. More tours are planned each Sunday through Oct. 16.

The tours provide a good example of the opportunities available on game lands statewide, while showcasing how habitat work being done on these tracts benefits wildlife. All tours are free, held rain or shine and open only to vehicles licensed for travel on public roads. You can find the complete tour schedule here.

Enjoying PA’s World Class Fall Foliage

Pennsylvania has a longer and more varied fall foliage season than anywhere in the world, and experts are available to serve as regional advisers, offering tips and resources to help residents and visitors experience a colorful autumn in a variety of ways.

Weekly fall foliage reports can be found online on the DCNR website. The report will be updated every Thursday. Fall foliage typically peaks for several weeks throughout October across Pennsylvania. Visitors can get suggestions about the best spots to view fall foliage on the Penn’s Woods Fall Foliage story map and on the Pennsylvania Tourism Office website.

Foliage viewers can also check out one of Pennsylvania’s 121 state parks and more than 2.2 million acres of state forestland for some of the best views, recreation trails and park experiences. State foresters and park personnel are also available to recommend the best times and locations to experience the beautiful vistas of the season.


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