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In this Update:

  • Anti-Human Trafficking Measure to Criminalize AI-Generated Child Pornography Now Law
  • PA Voters Return Senate Republican Majority
  • Emergency Responders:  Time Is Running Out to Apply for Unconventional Gas Well Grants
  • Shooting Ranges Open to the Public
  • Fish and Boat Commission is Accepting Boating Facility Grant Applications
  • New Law Makes Workers’ Comp More Efficient
  • Recognizing the Selfless Sacrifice of Veterans

Anti-Human Trafficking Measure to Criminalize AI-Generated Child Pornography Now Law

On Oct. 29, landmark anti-human trafficking legislation (Senate Bill 1213), I co-sponsored to combat child sexual abuse materials generated by artificial intelligence (AI) was signed into law as Act 125 of 2024.

It’s really no secret that the Internet is an unparalleled hunting ground where criminal human traffickers savagely prey upon innocent children and minors. Child pornography, more accurately defined as “child sexual abuse materials,” re-traumatizes victims every time the material is shared online and causes lasting damage.                        

More specifically from an anti-human trafficking standpoint, Act 125 addresses the alarming rise in AI-generated deepfake sexual images of children and non-consenting adults. While the unauthorized dissemination of an intimate image is unlawful in this Commonwealth, previous law failed to address the usage of AI deepfake technology to create and disseminate an intimate image of a non-consenting person.

This new law makes it crystal clear that the use of AI-generated deepfake sexual technology to create pornographic images of an individual without their consent is a criminal offense. Most importantly, Act 125 will finally outlaw the use of deepfake technology to create child sexual abuse material.

As the prime sponsor of Senate Bill 44 which was unanimously approved and signed into law (Act 39 of 2023) to ensure sexually exploited child human trafficking victims always have full access to necessary services and support for healing and recovery, I will to continue shepherd high-priority, bipartisan, anti-human trafficking initiatives during the 2025-26 legislative session.

PA Voters Return Senate Republican Majority

Pennsylvania voters returned a Republican majority to the state Senate in Tuesday’s General Election, re-electing all Republican incumbents and sending new Republican senators to Harrisburg.

Senate Republicans will hold the majority in the 2025-26 legislative session. Newly and re-elected senators will be sworn into office to begin their four-year term on Jan. 7, 2025.

Working together, Senate Republicans will continue to be steadfast in our work to empower Pennsylvanians by standing against executive and judicial overreach, rejecting Democrats’ massive tax increases, and ensuring the fundamental rights of our Commonwealth’s citizens remain safely guarded.

Emergency Responders:  Time Is Running Out to Apply for Unconventional Gas Well Grants

Emergency response organizations in or near counties where unconventional gas well drilling takes place are invited to apply for the 2024 Act 13 Unconventional Gas Well Fund (UGWF) grant program through the Pennsylvania Office of the State Fire Commissioner.

The grants help volunteer and career fire, emergency medical services (EMS), and rescue personnel acquire the specialized training, skills and equipment to respond to gas well related emergencies to keep communities safe.

More information about the program and how to apply is available here. A map of counties covered by the grant program is available here.

The online application will remain open until 4 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 30.

Shooting Ranges Open to the Public

Whether you’re a hunter preparing for rifle season or would simply like to maintain your shooting skills for self-defense, you can take aim at a public shooting range.

The Pennsylvania Game Commission offers recreation opportunities at public rifle, pistol, archery and shotgun ranges on 40 state game lands throughout the state. It constructed or renovated more than a dozen public shooting ranges this year alone, with plans to upgrade more.

You must possess an annual shooting range permit or a current general hunting or furtaker license to use the public shooting ranges. Find a shooting range near you.

Fish and Boat Commission is Accepting Boating Facility Grant Applications

The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) has two grant opportunities for qualifying organizations to capitalize on the surge in new boating activity.

The Boating Facility Grant Program provides grants for planning, acquisition, development, expansion and rehabilitation of public boating facilities on PA waterways. Townships, boroughs and municipal and county governments can learn more and apply online by Nov. 30.

The Recruitment, Retention and Reactivation (R3) Grant Program will reimburse up to $25,000 for eligible expenses that support R3-related educational programs and increase learning opportunities for anglers and boaters. Learn more and apply online by Dec. 6.

New Law Makes Workers’ Comp More Efficient

The Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation system will be more efficient because of legislation unanimously passed by Senate Republicans that is now law.

Act 126 of 2024 moves more benefit payments from paper checks to direct deposit. Individuals entitled to compensation may request funds be deposited into an account of their choosing. The law also allows insurers to no longer have to offer paper checks as a payment as long as the individual has a bank account that accepts direct deposit.

The reforms, which are also more cost-effective, were unanimously recommended by the Workers’ Compensation Advisory Council.

Recognizing the Selfless Sacrifice of Veterans

Originally known as Armistice Day, Veterans Day is a time to appreciate the brave men and women who selflessly dedicated their lives to preserve our beloved American freedoms.

We also think of their families, who lived with the understanding that their loved ones could be in harm’s way and may not make it home.

These tremendous sacrifices are truly the ultimate demonstration of patriotism.


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