HARRISBURG – Senator Cris Dush said today that the Senate approved legislation to create a smoother transition to high school graduation for students who are experiencing homelessness or are in foster care.
Students experiencing homelessness or living in foster care may face additional graduation challenges because they changed schools before earning full credit or are unable to take a required course at their new school. Their new school also may not honor the credits they earned.
“These children are often moved around through no fault of their own.” Said Dush. “They have experienced enough hardship in their lives and should not have to go through repeating courses they’ve successfully completed because of these issues.”
Senate Bill 324 would remove roadblocks they unfairly face by designating a point person to review past transcripts and provide the essential support needed to aid student graduation.
The bill would also provide students with other methods to demonstrate that their coursework has been satisfactorily completed so necessary credit can be awarded. If a student is ineligible to graduate from his or her new school, the new school may request a diploma to be issued from the previous school, assuming the student met the previous school’s graduation requirements.
Senate Bill 324 now moves to the House of Representatives for consideration.