Honest, transparent and secure elections remain the cornerstone of our Constitutional Republic.
On June 3, as part of the Voter Roll Accountability Project, PA Senate State Government Committee Chairman Cris Dush (R-25) participated in a Capitol news conference, hosted by The Center for Election Integrity (CEI), to expose major, ongoing problems with Pennsylvania voter rolls.
Many counties throughout the state have voter registration rates at 90% and above when compared to U.S. Census Bureau voting age population data, which means the rolls show almost as many registered voters as voting age people who live there. This is extremely high when compared to the national average of 69%.
While offering his full support for clean and accurate voter rolls across the Commonwealth, Dush offered a personal reference of going door to door in Centre County where 9 out of 10 voters on the official list were not living at their registered address.
Prior to the press conference, CEI representatives, hand-delivered corrupted voter roll data and correspondence from concerned citizens to state officials, which included the governor, attorney general and secretary of state, urging them to uphold election integrity standards.
Our state constitution requires elections to be free and equal, and Pennsylvania voters deserve rules that guarantee it’s hard to cheat and easy to vote.
This means EVERY voter should be verified, EVERY ballot should be secured and EVERY voting machine should be inspected and verified.
Press Conference: