HARRISBURG – Sen. Cris Dush (R-25) and Rep. Mike Armanini (R-Clearfield/Elk) announced today that Fox Township, Elk County has been awarded a grant to construct a history and humanities center to serve residents in Fox Township and surrounding areas.
The $1,617,435 grant was awarded by the Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority through its Multi-Purpose Facilities Grant Program.
“Expanding access to broadband infrastructure, especially for the citizens I serve in rural portions of Senate District 25, is proving to be every bit as critical as our utilities and transportation infrastructure,” said Dush. “Securing this highly competitive funding is an absolute must for keeping affordable and reliable digital broadband expansion projects moving forward and making our entire region more appealing for future development and family-sustaining job creation.”
Upon completion, the Fox Township History and Humanities Center will feature, among other amenities, a cybercafe and wi-fi hotspot for the public to pursue workforce, education and health monitoring activities and programming.
“The center will be a tremendous asset to the area as not only a gathering place but an opportunity for individuals to better themselves through learning opportunities, and access to broadband internet is as critical as another other element of infrastructure in today’s world,” Armanini added. “I applaud township officials for pursuing and successfully applying for this funding.”
The Multi-Purpose Community Facilities Program offers $45 million in competitive grants to community anchor institutions and units of local government for community projects to construct, acquire, or improve facilities that are, or will be, open to the public, and will directly enable work, education, and health monitoring at the respective facility.
For Senator Dush: Ty McCauslin, Communications Director, 717-787-7084 or tmccauslin@pasen.gov.
For Representative Armanini: Scott Little, 717-260-6137 or slittle@pahousegop.com.