Dush Concealed Carry Bill Moved Out of Committee

HARRISBURG – Senator Cris Dush’s (R-25) prime sponsored concealed carry bill, involving changing the statute for carrying firearms moved out of the Judiciary Committee today.

Senate Bill 565 will create a two-tiered system regarding the concealed carrying of firearms for lawful purposes in Pennsylvania. The first level would no longer require law abiding citizens to obtain a permit to carry a concealed firearm. Article 1, Section 21 of the Pennsylvania Constitution stated that Pennsylvanians have a right to keep and bear arms. A License to Carry a Firearm (LTCF) is currently not required for law abiding citizens to openly carry a firearm throughout the state. The second level provides citizens the ability to obtain an optional LTCF permit that is valid throughout Pennsylvania and would provide for carrying firearms in other states.

“I am happy that the Senate Judiciary Committee moved SB 565. This bill will get rid of the mandatory concealed carry license requirement for law abiding firearm owners in Pennsylvania. Both the Constitutions of the United States and Pennsylvania clearly state that the right of the citizens to bear arms shall not infringed upon or questioned. Forcing law abiding citizens to apply for a permit to conceal carry a handgun is unnecessary,” Sen. Dush stated. “The concealed carry license will still be available to those who travel between Pennsylvania and other states which have reciprocity agreements with the Commonwealth to ensure these citizens may continue to be able to enjoy that right where it is recognized.  Twenty-one other states already have constitutional carry laws and I hope that Pennsylvania will soon join that list.”

SB 565 does not eradicate background checks, nor does it change any of the statues surrounding the lawful purchase of firearms. The bill only changes the statute surrounding the carrying of firearms by law abiding citizens.

The bill now heads to the full Senate.


Contact: Zachary Ankeny; zankeny@pasen.gov

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