Senator Dush’s Series of Interviews on Human Trafficking – Jason Burtt
Jason Burtt is a Senior Major Gifts Officer at Grove City College whose primary role is to cultivate and steward significant philanthropic relationships that result in transformational impact. [Read More]
Senator Dush’s Series of Interviews on Human Trafficking – Elizabeth Stein
Serves as Survivor Mentor and Child Policy Associate for Project PROTECT at Support Center for Child Advocates in Philadelphia, PA. [Read More]
Senator Dush’s Series of Interviews on Human Trafficking – Jordan Pine
Jordan Pine is the Founder and CEO of Greenlight Operation. [Read More]
Senator Dush’s Series of Interviews on Human Trafficking – Anne Basham & Vanessa Morris
Anne Basham has worked in both the Legislative and Executive branches of the federal government as well as the private sector. [Read More]
Senator Dush’s Series of Interviews on Human Trafficking – Brad Ortenzi
Brad Ortenzi serves as the Eastern USA Regional Director of ZOE International, a multi-national organization that has 20 years of success in rescuing and restoring children and youth who have been trafficked. [Read More]
Senator Dush’s Series of Interviews on Human Trafficking – Linda Smith
Linda Smith is a leader in the global movement to end sex trafficking. [Read More]