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Securing State Borders Against Invasion

On Feb. 7, I joined my Senate colleagues in passing a measure recognizing the rights of Texas and all other states to protect their citizens against invasion by foreign nationals who are illegally entering the United States.

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Massive Spending Increase in Shapiro’s Budget Generates Major Inflationary Concerns

On Feb. 6, Gov. Josh Shapiro shared his proposed 2024-25 state budget, which includes an excessive $3.2 billion increase – a jump of 7.1% – in state spending.

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Joint public hearing on the recent Office of Administration server data loss

Senate Communications and Technology Committee & Senate State Government Committee | Hearing Room 1, NOB 

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Senator Dush’s Series of Interviews on Human Trafficking – Marcel Van der Watt

As you may know, January is the month where we focus on International Human Trafficking Awareness, and January 11th is selected for International Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Senator Cris Dush works with many international and state renown organizations that have been fighting Human Trafficking for years.  His recently enacted legislation, Pennsylvania Act 39, depicts his desire […]

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Senator Dush’s Series of Interviews on Human Trafficking – Jen Spry

As you may know, January is the month where we focus on International Human Trafficking Awareness, and January 11th is selected for International Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Senator Cris Dush works with many international and state renown organizations that have been fighting Human Trafficking for years.  His recently enacted legislation, Pennsylvania Act 39, depicts his desire […]

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Senator Dush’s Series of Interviews on Human Trafficking – Cate Colesar

As you may know, January is the month where we focus on International Human Trafficking Awareness, and January 11th is selected for International Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Senator Cris Dush works with many international and state renown organizations that have been fighting Human Trafficking for years.  His recently enacted legislation, Pennsylvania Act 39, depicts his desire […]

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Senator Dush’s Series of Interviews on Human Trafficking – David Cox

David Cox serves as the Chief Operating Officer for ZOE International, a multi-national organization that has over 20 years of success in rescuing and restoring children and youth who have been trafficked.

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Senator Dush’s Series of Interviews on Human Trafficking – Sidney McCoy

As you may know, January is the month where we focus on International Human Trafficking Awareness, and January 11th is selected for International Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Senator Cris Dush works with many international and state renown organizations that have been fighting Human Trafficking for years.  His recently enacted legislation, Pennsylvania Act 39, depicts his […]

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Public hearing on eminent domain

Senate State Government Committee | 301 N. Spring Street, Bellefonte, PA

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Senator Dush’s Series of Interviews on Human Trafficking – Jason Burtt

Jason Burtt is a Senior Major Gifts Officer at Grove City College whose primary role is to cultivate and steward significant philanthropic relationships that result in transformational impact.

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Senator Dush’s Series of Interviews on Human Trafficking – Elizabeth Stein

Serves as Survivor Mentor and Child Policy Associate for Project PROTECT at Support Center for Child Advocates in Philadelphia, PA.

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Senator Dush’s Series of Interviews on Human Trafficking – Jordan Pine

Jordan Pine is the Founder and CEO of Greenlight Operation.

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Senator Dush’s Series of Interviews on Human Trafficking – Anne Basham & Vanessa Morris

Anne Basham has worked in both the Legislative and Executive branches of the federal government as well as the private sector.

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Senator Dush’s Series of Interviews on Human Trafficking – Brad Ortenzi

Brad Ortenzi serves as the Eastern USA Regional Director of ZOE International, a multi-national organization that has 20 years of success in rescuing and restoring children and youth who have been trafficked.

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Senator Dush’s Series of Interviews on Human Trafficking – Linda Smith

Linda Smith is a leader in the global movement to end sex trafficking.

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Landmark Legislation to Protect Sexually Exploited Children and Human Trafficking Victims Now Law

On Dec. 13, by a vote of 50-0, the Pennsylvania Senate once again unanimously advanced legislation – that I was proud to sponsor alongside Sens. Maria Collett (D-12) and Kristin Phillips-Hill (R-28) – to guarantee sexually exploited children who are human trafficking victims always have full access to appropriate services and support (Senate Bills 44 and 45).

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Public hearing on the 2023 elections with Secretary of State Al Schmidt

Senate State Government Committee | Hearing Room 1, NOB

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Meeting to consider SB 228, SB 634, SB 686, SB 847 and HB 1419

Senate State Government Committee | Room 8E-A, East Wing

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Remarks on SB 7

Remarks on SB 7

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Remarks on SB 353

Remarks on SB 353

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